Thursday, May 28, 2009

Field Day

Our Memorial Day Weekend was a memorable one - incredible weather; lots of swimming; hanging out with friends; Drew successfully completing a 25-mile bike ride with Dad. Too bad I dropped the camera on the way to the pool on Saturday, putting it out of commission for the long weekend!

Fortunately, the damage was surprisingly minor and repaired in time to catch Jake and Emily at "Field Day" this week. Here's a photo album from that event.

Emily has been volunteering this year as a PE Helper for the Life Skills class, and as such was invited to their Field Day too. Since she needed a ride across town to participate, I got a chance to take some photos of her and her fellow volunteers at work.

Drew's big news of the week is that he was officially inducted as a youth member of the Willamette Sailing Club. (He requested no photography at the swearing-in ceremony.)

He'll be sailing 2 days a week as part of WSC's youth sailing club starting in late June and also plans to do some rowing this summer.

When we talked with Jake about summer camp opportunities, he suggested he'd rather get some stuff from SCRAP (recycled materials store) and entertain himself... that is when he isn't doing his favorite thing -swimming!

All 3 kids are training to be Library Volunteers and we're going to host a 14 year old exchange student from Spain for a month, so we're looking forward to a fun summer. Just 10 more days of school left and according to the most recent weather forecast, all 10 will be filled with sun, sun and more sun!

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Awesome job Drew, Jake, and Emily!! Enjoy your last 10 days of school - we have about 18 left :-(