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As far as snow days go, this one barely passed the bar, but this late into February, we'll take what we can get!
The kids were up early to take advantage of every flake before they melted away. Between sledding and snow-man building, they pretty much wiped Hamilton Park clean. The afternoon brought another snow shower. It wasn't enough to last, but they enjoyed the moment! Here are some photos.
Also this week, Jake and Emily and friends geared up for their upcoming DI tournament with an Instant Challenge night.
While practically everyplace else in the U.S. is wishing the snow would just stop already, we're still waiting for a snow day out here!
We had some flurries one morning this week... enough to cover the ground for a couple of hours (at least for those of us above 500 feet) and taunt the kids with the possibility of no school. No such luck, though they're not giving up hope! In the meantime, we'll continue to enjoy the sunny 50 degree days that keep coming our way.
It's been a busy week here. Jake and Emily and the rest of the Devil Ducks have kicked into full speed in preparation for their upcoming DI tournament in March. For Drew, it's high school forecasting time, so we've been visiting and learning all about Lincoln. And yesterday, we hosted our annual Valentine's Breakfast/Pajama Party for some friends around the neighborhood. The party happened to coincide with the official premier of the card game Emily invented, Gamewright's "Mermaid Beach", at the New York Toy Fair.

Here is a link to recent photos. The top one is from the cookie decorating contest we had yesterday. Good thing we captured the moment with a photo... the entries quickly disappeared once the judging was complete!
The display board is something Emily made for a presentation she gave a few weeks ago to a local Girl Scout troop about her experience as a game inventor.