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We visited Portland Glass Blowers Studio today for a glass blowing class. Click here for photos. We each got to make a glass cup, and Drew got to bring some glass rods home to experiment with using our propane torch. Thank you Corey for a great afternoon!
Also, here is another album of photos from our Christmas Eve family gift exchange.
It was a busy weekend of holiday parties and a great start to Winter Break. Click the links below to see photos:
Album 1
Album 2
Album 3
Happy Holidays to all!
We got to watch the Christmas Ships on parade on Sunday in the Multnomah Channel. Thanks to our friend Rich for a fun party!
Click here to see photos of the boats... there were some new ones this year.

We took our annual trip to the Christmas Tree Farm this past weekend and after a thorough and extensive search, found the perfect tree. Good thing we carb-loaded at the Lucky Lab pancake breakfast that morning, because it was quite a haul!

After decorating the tree, the kids made three really cute gingerbread houses. They are holding a "best house" contest, so in the photo link, they are simply labeled as 1, 2 and 3. Feel free to cast a vote. We tried to suggest that each was lovely in its own way, but apparently, that was not the response they were hoping for.
Friday night's tree lighting drew record crowds... click here for photos of the big event. It was a beautiful night to be hanging out in "Portland's Living Room" with Santa, Mrs. Claus, Pink Martini, the Oregon Symphony and a few thousand others!
We took advantage of more good weather on Saturday with a trip to the Zoo for their annual Zoo Lights display. Click here for photos of that outing.

We put on our holiday hats this morning for the annual Portland Macy's Parade, marking Santa's arrival and the official start of the Christmas shopping season. We passed on the shopping, though the kids did check out a few mattresses while we were touring Santaland at Macys after the parade. Click here for photos.

Here are some photos from the past week. Emily got glasses, Drew got a longboard, and Jake is participating in a curling camp.
The kids also decided to show solidarity with the Occupy Portland movement by taking over the basement. They've had a 4-day weekend due to it being the end of the quarter, so they needed something to occupy themselves. Click on this link to see a collection of great photos taken by our friend Robin Damore of Occupy Portland on the day before and after they were asked to take down their camp.
Here are some photos from the costume party we attended on Saturday at our friends Andrew, Ellen & Reeve's house.
We went with super hero theme this year. Hopefully tomorrow, we'll use our super powers to remember to get a family photo:
The Emi-nator... she emanates joy, peace and hugs wherever she goes
The Flasher Flash... he'll flash you his flash costume in a flash
Spinster Woman... able to attract cats from miles away
PatMan... applying positive mental attitude and Pat-like reflexes to all he does
SuperMom... need a snack, tissue, band-aid, mint; she's got it all in her handy super-vest
Speaking of family photos, here's a nice one of the Bo-Peep Family.

Happy Halloween to all!
All three kids had the opportunity to attend retreats this week. Jake and Emily are just back from Camp Collins where they spent a day and a half doing a ropes course with their block class. Pat chaperoned so we have lots of photos. Drew participated in an overnight peer mediation training sponsored by Lincoln, and today Emily had another game signing at Thinker Toys. Click here to see photos.
Jake picked out a sizable pumpkin on our outing to Sauvie Island this weekend... good thing he had lots of help carrying it!
Click here for photos from our afternoon at The Pumpkin Patch with our friends Elan, Diego, Luna, Ari, Tony & Lee, as well as our evening at Kruger's Farm for their Harvest Hoedown.
Pat took these photos of the Occupy Portland protest on his way home yesterday. He decided to finish his commute home, in spite of the inviting sign.

Drew and his sailing partner Belle took first place this weekend at a regatta hosted by the Willamette Sailing Club. Click here for race photos.

Also this weekend, the twins had another dance class, and Emily had the opportunity to meet more of her favorite designers from Project Runway at a Portland Fashion Week event. You can read about that on her blog.
This past weekend was the annual Multnomah Days Parade. In addition, Emily had her first game-signing event for Mermaid Beach, and Pat had a unique opportunity to take some blind sailors out for a sail during family sailing night as part of an event the sailing club was hosting for the Oral Hull Foundation.
Click here for photos. Just two more weeks of summer vacation before school starts here... we're trying to make the most of it!
We're just back from a great weekend of camping with friends at Timothy Lake near Mt. Hood. Thanks Mark & Martha for organizing the trip, and happy birthday Tom, Ben & Jan.
Click here for photos. We were so busy hiking, biking, swimming, kayaking, eating Mark's pancakes and KC's bacon, and just generally having fun that we didn't capture all the moments on film, but we got a few!