Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Reports from the Field: Cell-Boats & Book Reviews

Emily and Jake recently completed their first big science project of the school year...documenting their knowledge of a cell's parts by assigning them to something familiar. Jake chose to create a blue-print of a house; Emily choose a boat (and the 3-D option).

Examples of the parts of a cell-boat... The dad-cleus in the boat is like a cell’s nucleus because the dad-cleus controls what the boat does like the nucleus controls what the cell does. The boat’s sail-plasts are like a cell’s chloroplasts because the sail-plasts capture and produce energy like a cell’s chloroplasts produce energy.

Examples of the parts of a cell-house... The vac-arage in the house is like the vacuole of a cell because the vac-arage is a storage area in the house like the vacuole is a storage area in a cell. Computo-matin in the house is like the chromatin in a cell because computo-matin stores information and makes it available to the nucleo-mom of the house just like the chromatin in a cell makes information available so the nucleus of a cell can direct the cell’s activities.

As for Drew, for banned book week back in October, he opted to read Animal Farm and created this poem as part of a "book mark" assignment.

I am from the farm,
once run by humans.
From the sweet communities;
and the simple life;
and few rules.
I am from the plentiful meals.

I’m from the work;
from the hard days.
I’m from the new ruler,
and the delusions and lies.
From the meager rations,
and the murders of comrades.
I am from the wars,
and the false rumors about our welfare.
I am from being deprived of my rights.
I’m from Animal Farm.

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